Pray with us
How you can support us through prayer.Your prayers make all the difference to our work in eastern Europe.
Praying for our work is a powerful and effective way of supporting what we do. Our staff, volunteers, and the pastors we partner with, all deeply appreciate your prayers: they need daily strength, wisdom and love to minister effectively to the people we support. Many of the families, children and individuals we work with are struggling with complex problems ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder to domestic abuse to long-term unemployment.
Pray for Ukraine
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Please pray for the people of Ukraine, for wise leaders and peacemakers on every side. Pray for children and families who have lost homes in the conflict, for many who have had their lives torn apart through fleeing to the borders, leaving husbands and sons to fight. Please use these materials in your church or fellowship group.
Join us in praying for Ukraine
God of Love, God of Peace, God of Justice and Mercy,
We join our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and around the world;
That those who are tearful will be comforted;
That those who have power will be wise and compassionate;
That those who feel powerless will know that they are held;
That the churches of Ukraine might be places of safety and sanctuary;
That we all might be lights that shine in the darkness.
We ask in the name of the Prince of Peace, that peace and love will reign in Ukraine and in the hearts of its people.